Mobile application development

80 percent of our projects are mobile applications. They are either a stand-alone product or part of an extension of an existing business. They are definitely something every serious brand or startup has.

Mobile application development

Mobile application

In today’s “on the go” technological age, mobile applications are a handy tool to attract new users and thus improve your business.

Mobile devices are the most easily accessible source of information and are the means with the highest level of interactivity with the user.

iOS and Android, and perhaps even more platforms

We offer solutions ranging from simple to advanced for all mobile devices, not limited to just “phones”, including all operating systems such as Android and iOS, as well as macOS, Windows, and web versions of applications.

We can write mobile applications in a language intended for one of the operating systems mentioned above if you need an application for only one platform, such as Java/Kotlin for Android applications or Swift for iOS applications.

If you need an application that will be published on multiple platforms, we will develop the application in a scripting language such as JavaScript or Dart, or in modern technology such as React Native or Flutter, depending on the application’s requirements.

Cross-platform development is often preferred over single-platform development because it allows for the use of a single codebase across multiple platforms, significantly reducing development time and costs. Additionally, it enables easier maintenance and updates, ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices and operating systems.

Who needs a mobile app?

Not everyone needs mobile apps. They are created for three main reasons.

First, to attract new users, as a marketing tool for collecting points, organizing prize games, offering bonuses just for downloading the app, or similar activities, thus bringing the existing or potential user closer.

Second, part of the mobile app market consists of functional apps that realistically facilitate business operations or the consumption of services by clients and customers. These include apps through which we directly order a service or product (like taxi apps or mobile shopping apps), apps for inventory tracking, data entry, monitoring the status of goods, and various accounting and bookkeeping apps that are usually for internal use.

Third, and perhaps the largest part, relates to apps that are products in themselves and provide value to users without the need for additional services. Some examples include:

  • Meditation apps: Help users achieve mental peace and reduce stress.
  • Collector apps: Allow tracking and organizing collections, such as collectible cards, coins, or artworks.
  • Cycling route apps: Provide cyclists with detailed information about routes, maps, and user reviews.
  • Tourist apps: Offer travel guides, information about attractions, restaurants, accommodations, and booking options for accommodation.
  • Fitness apps: Exercise programs, progress tracking, and motivational tools for users.
  • Educational apps: Resources for learning new skills, languages, or knowledge in various fields.
  • Personal finance management apps: Help users track spending, create budgets, and plan financial goals.
  • Investment apps: Allow users to track portfolios, research markets, and execute investments.
  • Nutrition tracking apps: Help users track calorie intake, macronutrients, and plan healthy meals.
  • Sleep tracking apps: Monitor sleep patterns and provide advice to improve sleep quality.
  • Photo and video editing apps: Allow users to create and edit high-quality content.
  • Music apps: Tools for creating music, recording, editing, and sharing music works.
  • Event planning apps: Help users organize events, send invitations, and manage guest lists.
  • Social apps: Connect people with similar interests for socializing, dating, or forming new friendships or consuming content in a physical form.
  • Gaming apps: Various games for all age groups and interests.
  • Reading apps: E-books, audiobooks, and digital libraries.

How much does one mobile application cost?

That’s hard to say even for us. We will try to be as specific as possible; We would create a basic marketing mobile application for an initial price of around 2,000.00 euros with VAT, while the price of the most complex mobile applications with many “screens” and functionalities and various connections to separate databases can be over 100.000,00 euros with VAT -om.
This is still quite general. Contact us, and after just a few sentences describing the functions of your app, we can provide an estimated price range based on our experience, without any obligations.

What do you actually need when you need a mobile application?

A mobile application as a stand-alone product exists very rarely. Almost never. Through the development of mobile applications, whether for the Android or iOS platform or both (most often), we have come to the conclusion that with each application there actually comes a system. The application is usually a part of the system or the main fragment of the system that also requires a part for management, the so-called CMS, a web page for presentation which is a necessary part and an API that ensures that everything works smoothly and exchanges data with each other in “real-time” time.

The demands of the market are such that we have found ourselves in such a position where we mostly develop mobile applications, much more than any other product. The largest number of inquiries in general refer to mobile applications. We implement mobile applications in business systems for various purposes. Mobile applications are a “must have” in all segments and certainly one of the directions in which web development is going in general.

In the near future, the differences between mobile and desktop devices will disappear. We are ready for that. Our apps are ready for that. Our websites are ready for that. For application development, we use advanced Google tools such as Flutter and Flutter for web.

Graph QL is a technology that will soon become a synonym for prestige, but to us Grapg QL is a standard. How is it different from say WordPress or some other language? In fact, it is not comparable. Because it is a query language that offers optimized sending and receiving of results, which results in faster information display. It allows us a modular way of working, which in turn allows us very fast delivery times and at …. the lowest price on the market with the highest quality.

Our approach

The approach to mobile application creation projects is extremely serious because they actually combine all our services into one. It is also necessary to design the database and the communication of the mobile application with them, as well as in most cases the accompanying website, the management system and finally the marketing of mobile applications. Creating mobile applications and defining the prices for creating mobile applications is a series of complex operations, and considering the number of related services it contains. Through years of work, we have developed a number of internal tools to provide the client with concrete information about the fair price and construction schedule in the shortest possible time.

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    After receiving a request, we start analyzing the client's needs, gathering additional information if necessary, and trying to create a solution concept and choose technologies as well as a development roadmap that best fits the client's desires and budget. We create the so-called "best buy" option in which the client gets the most for their money. Getting the most for the least amount of money is also the ultimate goal of every analysis. Therefore, high-quality analysis is urgent because otherwise, it can damage the client or us or completely miss the idea and goal.

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    It makes no sense to offer a small beginner entrepreneur who has a request for a website the production of a custom website at an extremely high price because it is clear that their needs are towards a template-based website that will more than satisfy their needs. Likewise, if the client is a company with multiple existing and active applications, it is clear that quality is the only relevant factor. Therefore, the development technologies are adapted to the simplicity of the system and the (non)existence of the need for maintenance or the complexity of the system and the need for flexibility or a hybrid of the two.

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    Making an offer is an important part of business that determines whether the job will be awarded to us or to the competition. Most of our offers are labeled as "business secrets" because the offer lists all the steps, components, and functionalities that a particular project requires. In order for the offer to contain exactly what the client wants and needs, it is important to thoroughly work through each step. The seriousness of the inquiry is also a factor that defines our seriousness regarding the approach to making the offer.

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    Design is the client's first contact with the actual product. Through design, we define a fully functional prototype. Whether the project is completely basic or the most complex possible, we always try to visually present it before programming. The design defines even the smallest details and, importantly, makes corrections to elements, flowcharts, and functionalities. Design is the phase in which changes and corrections to the tiniest details are made. The design needs to be confirmed by the client before we proceed to programming. In design, there is a clause - the confirmed design reflects the final programming product.

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    Programming is what the client expects from the very beginning. Our programmers are truly top-notch and program at the highest level with the fulfillment of the previous conditions - that they are 100% defined what they need to program. Programmers will test every line of code and point out any illogicalities they have encountered. In this part, all previous steps will be revised, and if necessary, corrected and presented to the client with explanations. Assuming that all the steps that precede the programming of a mobile application or website or web application are well done, the result should be above average.

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    Beta phase

    The beta phase involves a fully completed mobile application or website with all functionalities, primarily intended for testing and corrections before the final launch into production. The digital product in this phase should be fully functional in terms of static content, online payment and billing processes if applicable, creation of user accounts and subscriptions, and similar features. The application or website should be deployed to its final destination such as a server, domain, or the App Store for Apple and Play Store for Android, and connected to all external systems if they exist.

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    Testing (QA)

    Quality testing of a mobile application or any other digital product is usually performed by the client and their team, but it is also possible to contract testing as a separate service from our side as a provider. We conduct tests through automated tests and manual tests. Automated tests will find functional bugs but will not detect issues that reduce the quality of the user experience - so-called UX. Professional testing is often considered an unnecessary cost, but it always turns out to have been necessary in the end.

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    Post-launch phase

    A mobile or web application, website, or something else is finally in production and being used by the first users. You might think that the job is done, but quite the opposite. First - few people know about the new application or website, and second - the first reactions of users appear and slowly, but surely, ideas for upgrades, optimizations, and the need for marketing arise. Technology is also constantly changing, trends are changing. Most of our clients work with us on a long-term basis.

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    Content is definitely the most important item on websites. Aggressive marketing will position websites well only in the short term. Even a good technical SEO result produced by some analysis tools will not help. Your website simply needs to be interesting and rich in content. With mobile applications, the position and idea of the application is a bit different, with the idea of the application being the top priority. When we do marketing campaigns for clients, we make sure that all elements are balanced so that marketing has a positive long-term impact on the entire business. Short-term "click" purchases are not the goal.

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    During the analysis of the client's needs, we already consider the maintenance and sustainability of the system. If the system is simple and will not be significantly upgraded, it does not require maintenance within about 5 years because we will use robust and long-lasting technologies in its development. We have systems in our portfolio from 2018 that still work without any intervention. If the system is complex and simply needs to be developed on the latest technologies, optimization can help by developing system components, reducing maintenance to interventions on individual components, thus maximizing the rationalization of maintenance costs.

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    If and when there is a need for an upgrade, every system we have developed can be upgraded. Upgrades are possible because we almost never use pre-made themes that are "closed systems." The technologies we work with prefer flexibility rather than ease of development. The first upgrades that mobile applications require are mostly expansions of functionality and improvements to user experience, while web shops follow a similar direction with advanced SEO as well as websites. If the system has a management component (CMS), and most of our systems do, then most changes can be made by the owners themselves.

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    Our approach to each client and project is individual. There are no small and large, important and unimportant. Since our beginnings in 2010 until today, we have conducted many experiments and extracted the best through experience. Our experience is also available to you. At the beginning of each new project, things look simple. Following the steps of the approach ensures that things remain simple and clear. Some projects may not go through all 11 steps, some clients may already have a developed prototype or even a ready-made design. On the other hand, some clients only have an idea or even just an emerging idea. Either way, we can make it happen.

Our technologies



















