
Analitička rješenja, Bjelovar, Croatia

Analitička rješenja

Websites of company that provides BI (Business Intelligence) services

The company Analitička rješenja d.o.o. is one of the leading providers of services in the field of Business Intelligence, that is, the concept of using technologies, tools and rules for data analysis for business purposes.

The specialty of their service is the creation and development of applications for business analysis, which companies can use for a detailed review of business operations and faster decision-making. The reports that are created are personalized for each client individually.

On the developer side, in the background we created a management system (CMS) for the client, which is based on October CMS. On the front side, we createted modern, responsive and intuitive to use website.

The management system itself is designed so that the client can independently manage the content of the website, such as the general parts of the website and the blog, without the need for additional intervention by the programmer.

We have also created an online form, which primarily serves to collect leads (lead generation), that is, for the first contact with potential customers/users.

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